package web import ( "crypto/sha256" "crypto/sha512" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "io" "math" "net/http" "os" "path" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) func redirect(c *gin.Context) { var URL database.URL short := c.Param("short") err := database.Db.First(&URL, "short = ?", short).Error if err != nil { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, viper.GetString("DefaultURL")) return } if !URL.Long.Valid && !URL.FileName.Valid { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, viper.GetString("DefaultURL")) return } if URL.Hits.Valid && !(c.Request.Header.Get("DNT") == "1") { URL.Hits.Int64 = URL.Hits.Int64 + 1 database.Db.Save(&URL) } if URL.Long.Valid { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, URL.Long.String) } else { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/f/"+URL.Short.String) } } func encode(c *gin.Context) { var URL database.URL var count uint URL.Long.String = c.PostForm("LongURL") if URL.Long.String == "" { // No URL, maybe a file URL.Long.Valid = false file, err := c.FormFile("File") if err != nil { c.Data(http.StatusFailedDependency, "text/plain", []byte(fmt.Sprintf("Not a URL, nor File; Error: %+v", err))) return } fparts := strings.Split(file.Filename, "/") destName := path.Join(viper.GetString("FileFolder"), fparts[len(fparts)-1]) src, err := file.Open() if err != nil { c.Data(http.StatusFailedDependency, "text/plain", []byte(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %+v", err))) return } defer src.Close() var newHash string hasher := sha256.New() io.Copy(hasher, src) newHash = hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) database.Db.Where("file_hash = ?", newHash).FirstOrInit(&URL) if !URL.FileName.Valid { // No file with given hash in DB if _, err := os.Stat(destName); err == nil { // File does exist, save it with hash destName += newHash } out, err := os.Create(destName) if err != nil { c.Data(http.StatusFailedDependency, "text/plain", []byte(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %+v", err))) return } defer out.Close() src.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) io.Copy(out, src) destParts := strings.Split(destName, "/") URL.FileName.String = destParts[len(destParts)-1] URL.FileName.Valid = true URL.FileSize.Int64 = file.Size URL.FileSize.Valid = true URL.FileHash.String = newHash URL.FileHash.Valid = true URL.Long.Valid = false retention := time.Duration(float64(viper.GetInt("MinAge")) + float64(-viper.GetInt("MaxAge")+viper.GetInt("MinAge"))*math.Pow(float64(URL.FileSize.Int64/viper.GetInt64("MaxSize")-1), 3.0)*24) URL.FileDelete.Time = time.Now().Add(retention * time.Hour) URL.FileDelete.Valid = true } else { retention := time.Duration(float64(viper.GetInt("MinAge")) + float64(-viper.GetInt("MaxAge")+viper.GetInt("MinAge"))*math.Pow(float64(URL.FileSize.Int64/viper.GetInt64("MaxSize")-1), 3.0)*24) URL.FileDelete.Time = time.Now().Add(retention * time.Hour) URL.FileDelete.Valid = true } } else { URL.Long.Valid = true database.Db.Where("long = ?", URL.Long.String).FirstOrInit(&URL) } if URL.Short.Valid { c.Data(http.StatusOK, "text/plain", []byte(viper.GetString("ShortURL")+"/"+URL.Short.String)) return } URL.Short.String = c.DefaultPostForm("ShortURL", "") if URL.Short.String == "" { var hash string if !URL.FileHash.Valid { hasher := sha512.New() hasher.Write([]byte(URL.Long.String)) hash = hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) } else { hash = URL.FileHash.String } i := 2 for { database.Db.Model(&database.URL{}).Where("short = ?", hash[0:i]).Count(&count) if count > 0 && i < len(hash) { i = i + 1 } else if count > 0 { c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusConflict) return } else { URL.Short.String = hash[0:i] break } } } URL.Short.Valid = true URL.Hits.Int64 = 0 if c.DefaultPostForm("Track", "true") == "true" { URL.Hits.Valid = true } else { URL.Hits.Valid = false } err := database.Db.Create(&URL).Error if err != nil { c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err) return } c.Data(http.StatusCreated, "text/plain", []byte(viper.GetString("ShortURL")+"/r/"+URL.Short.String)) return } func decode(c *gin.Context) { var URL database.URL short := c.Param("short") err := database.Db.Where("short = ?", short).Find(&URL).Error if err != nil && err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { c.Data(http.StatusNotFound, "text/plain", []byte("Record not found")) return } else if err != nil { c.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err) return } if URL.Long.Valid { c.Data(http.StatusOK, "text/plain", []byte(URL.Long.String)) } else { c.Data(http.StatusOK, "text/plain", []byte(URL.FileName.String)) } } func info(c *gin.Context) { var URL database.URL short := c.Param("short") err := database.Db.Where("short = ?", short).Find(&URL).Error if err != nil && err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { c.Data(http.StatusNotFound, "text/plain", []byte("Record not found")) return } else if err != nil { c.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err) return } c.JSON(http.StatusOK, URL) } func getFile(c *gin.Context) { var URL database.URL short := c.Param("short") err := database.Db.First(&URL, "short = ?", short).Error if err != nil { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, viper.GetString("DefaultURL")) return } file := path.Join(viper.GetString("FileFolder"), URL.FileName.String) name := strings.TrimSuffix(file, URL.FileHash.String) parts := strings.Split(name, "/") if viper.GetBool("XAccel") { c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attatchment; filename="+parts[len(parts)-1]) c.Header("X-Accel-Redirect", viper.GetString("XAccelPrefix")+"/"+URL.FileName.String) } else { c.FileAttachment(file, parts[len(parts)-1]) } }