/** * @file ADCRAW.c */ #include "adcraw.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include <stddef.h> #if CONFIG_LV_TOUCH_CONTROLLER_ADCRAW #define TAG "ADCRAW" #define CALIBRATIONINSET 1 // range 0 <= CALIBRATIONINSET <= 40 #define SAMPLE_CALIBRATION_POINTS 4 // use this scale factor to avoid working in floating point numbers #define TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_CALIBRATION_SCALE_FACTOR 8 #define SCALE_FACTOR (1 << TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_CALIBRATION_SCALE_FACTOR) #define CAL_X_INSET (((GetMaxX() + 1) * (CALIBRATIONINSET >> 1)) / 100) #define CAL_Y_INSET (((GetMaxY() + 1) * (CALIBRATIONINSET >> 1)) / 100) #define NUMSAMPLES 8 static void ad_touch_handler(void *arg); static const esp_timer_create_args_t periodic_timer_args = { .callback = &ad_touch_handler, }; static esp_timer_handle_t periodic_timer; // Current ADC values for X and Y channels int16_t adcX, adcY = 0; int16_t temp_x, temp_y, temp_z1, temp_z2; // coefficient values int _trA, _trB, _trC, _trD; int16_t xRawTouch[SAMPLE_CALIBRATION_POINTS]; int16_t yRawTouch[SAMPLE_CALIBRATION_POINTS]; TOUCH_STATES state; const gpio_num_t yu = TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_PIN_YU; const gpio_num_t xl = TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_PIN_XL; const gpio_num_t yd = TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_PIN_YD; const gpio_num_t xr = TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_PIN_XR; static const int gpio_to_adc[] = { GPIO_TO_ADC_ELEMENT(TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_PIN_YD), GPIO_TO_ADC_ELEMENT(TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_PIN_XR) }; static void TouchCalculateCalPoints(void) { int32_t trA, trB, trC, trD; // variables for the coefficients int32_t trAhold, trBhold, trChold, trDhold; int32_t test1, test2; // temp variables (must be signed type) int16_t xPoint[SAMPLE_CALIBRATION_POINTS], yPoint[SAMPLE_CALIBRATION_POINTS]; yPoint[0] = yPoint[1] = CAL_Y_INSET; yPoint[2] = yPoint[3] = (GetMaxY() - CAL_Y_INSET); xPoint[0] = xPoint[3] = CAL_X_INSET; xPoint[1] = xPoint[2] = (GetMaxX() - CAL_X_INSET); // calculate points transfer function // based on two simultaneous equations solve for the constants // use sample points 1 and 4 // Dy1 = aTy1 + b; Dy4 = aTy4 + b // Dx1 = cTx1 + d; Dy4 = aTy4 + b test1 = (int32_t)yPoint[0] - (int32_t)yPoint[3]; test2 = (int32_t)yRawTouch[0] - (int32_t)yRawTouch[3]; trA = ((int32_t)((int32_t)test1 * SCALE_FACTOR) / test2); trB = ((int32_t)((int32_t)yPoint[0] * SCALE_FACTOR) - (trA * (int32_t)yRawTouch[0])); test1 = (int32_t)xPoint[0] - (int32_t)xPoint[2]; test2 = (int32_t)xRawTouch[0] - (int32_t)xRawTouch[2]; trC = ((int32_t)((int32_t)test1 * SCALE_FACTOR) / test2); trD = ((int32_t)((int32_t)xPoint[0] * SCALE_FACTOR) - (trC * (int32_t)xRawTouch[0])); trAhold = trA; trBhold = trB; trChold = trC; trDhold = trD; // use sample points 2 and 3 // Dy2 = aTy2 + b; Dy3 = aTy3 + b // Dx2 = cTx2 + d; Dy3 = aTy3 + b test1 = (int32_t)yPoint[1] - (int32_t)yPoint[2]; test2 = (int32_t)yRawTouch[1] - (int32_t)yRawTouch[2]; trA = ((int32_t)(test1 * SCALE_FACTOR) / test2); trB = ((int32_t)((int32_t)yPoint[1] * SCALE_FACTOR) - (trA * (int32_t)yRawTouch[1])); test1 = (int32_t)xPoint[1] - (int32_t)xPoint[3]; test2 = (int32_t)xRawTouch[1] - (int32_t)xRawTouch[3]; trC = ((int32_t)((int32_t)test1 * SCALE_FACTOR) / test2); trD = ((int32_t)((int32_t)xPoint[1] * SCALE_FACTOR) - (trC * (int32_t)xRawTouch[1])); // get the average and use it _trA = (trA + trAhold) >> 1; _trB = (trB + trBhold) >> 1; _trC = (trC + trChold) >> 1; _trD = (trD + trDhold) >> 1; } void adcraw_init(void) { state = IDLE; // set the state of the state machine to start the sampling gpio_set_drive_capability(yu, GPIO_DRIVE_CAP_3); gpio_set_drive_capability(yd, GPIO_DRIVE_CAP_3); gpio_set_drive_capability(xl, GPIO_DRIVE_CAP_3); gpio_set_drive_capability(xr, GPIO_DRIVE_CAP_3); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_create(&periodic_timer_args, &periodic_timer)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_start_periodic(periodic_timer, 5 * 1000)); //5ms (expressed as microseconds) /*Load calibration data*/ xRawTouch[0] = TOUCHCAL_ULX; yRawTouch[0] = TOUCHCAL_ULY; xRawTouch[1] = TOUCHCAL_URX; yRawTouch[1] = TOUCHCAL_URY; xRawTouch[3] = TOUCHCAL_LLX; yRawTouch[3] = TOUCHCAL_LLY; xRawTouch[2] = TOUCHCAL_LRX; yRawTouch[2] = TOUCHCAL_LRY; TouchCalculateCalPoints(); } static void setup_axis(gpio_num_t plus, gpio_num_t minus, gpio_num_t measure, gpio_num_t ignore) { // Set GPIOs: // - Float "ignore" and "measure" gpio_pad_select_gpio(ignore); gpio_set_direction(ignore, GPIO_MODE_DISABLE); gpio_set_pull_mode(ignore, GPIO_FLOATING); gpio_pad_select_gpio(measure); gpio_set_direction(measure, GPIO_MODE_DISABLE); gpio_set_pull_mode(measure, GPIO_FLOATING); // - Set "plus" to 1, "minus" to 0 gpio_config(&(gpio_config_t) { .mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, .pin_bit_mask = (1ULL << plus) | (1ULL << minus) }); gpio_set_level(plus, 1); gpio_set_level(minus, 0); } static void setup_adc(gpio_num_t measure) { // Init ADC adc1_channel_t channel = gpio_to_adc[measure]; adc_gpio_init(ADC_UNIT_1, channel); adc1_config_width(ADC_WIDTH_BIT_10); adc1_config_channel_atten(channel, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11); } static void insert_sort(int16_t array[], uint8_t size) { uint8_t j; int16_t save; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { save = array[i]; for (j = i; j >= 1 && save < array[j - 1]; j--) array[j] = array[j - 1]; array[j] = save; } } static void ad_touch_handler(void *arg) { (void) arg; uint8_t i; int16_t samples[NUMSAMPLES]; switch (state) { case IDLE: adcX = 0; adcY = 0; case SET_X : setup_axis(yd, yu, xr, xl); setup_adc(xr); state = READ_X; break; case READ_X: for (i = 0; i < NUMSAMPLES; i++) samples[i] = adc1_get_raw(gpio_to_adc[xr]); insert_sort(samples, NUMSAMPLES); temp_x = samples[NUMSAMPLES / 2]; case SET_Y : setup_axis(xl, xr, yd, yu); setup_adc(yd); state = READ_Y; break; case READ_Y: for (i = 0; i < NUMSAMPLES; i++) samples[i] = adc1_get_raw(gpio_to_adc[yd]); insert_sort(samples, NUMSAMPLES); temp_y = samples[NUMSAMPLES / 2]; case SET_Z1 : setup_axis(yu, xl, yd, xr); setup_adc(yd); state = READ_Z1; break; case READ_Z1: temp_z1 = adc1_get_raw(gpio_to_adc[yd]); case SET_Z2 : setup_axis(yu, xl, xr, yd); setup_adc(yd); state = READ_Z2; break; case READ_Z2: temp_z2 = adc1_get_raw(gpio_to_adc[xr]); if (temp_z1 < TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_PRESS_THRESHOLD) { #if CONFIG_LV_TOUCH_XY_SWAP adcX = temp_y; adcY = temp_x; #else adcX = temp_x; adcY = temp_y; #endif } else { adcX = -1; adcY = -1; } state = SET_X; //printf("x: %d y: %d z: %d\n", adcX, adcY, temp_z1 - temp_z2); break; } return; } static int16_t TouchGetRawX(void) { int16_t x = adcX; #if CONFIG_LV_TOUCH_INVERT_X x = 1023 - x; #endif return x; } static int16_t TouchGetX(void) { int16_t result = TouchGetRawX(); if (result > 0) { result = (int16_t)((((int32_t)_trC * result) + _trD) >> TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_CALIBRATION_SCALE_FACTOR); } printf("x: %d\n", result); return (result); } static int16_t TouchGetRawY(void) { int16_t y = adcY; #if CONFIG_LV_TOUCH_INVERT_Y y = 1023 - y; #endif return y; } static int16_t TouchGetY(void) { int16_t result = TouchGetRawY(); if (result > 0) { result = (int16_t)((((int32_t)_trA * result) + (int32_t)_trB) >> TOUCHSCREEN_RESISTIVE_CALIBRATION_SCALE_FACTOR); } printf("y: %d\n", result); return (result); } /** * Get the current position and state of the touchpad * @param data store the read data here * @return false: because no more data to be read */ bool adcraw_read(lv_indev_drv_t * drv, lv_indev_data_t * data) { static int16_t last_x = 0; static int16_t last_y = 0; int16_t x, y; x = TouchGetX(); y = TouchGetY(); if ((x > 0) && (y > 0)) { data->point.x = x; data->point.y = y; last_x = data->point.x; last_y = data->point.y; data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR; } else { data->point.x = last_x; data->point.y = last_y; data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL; } return false; } #endif //CONFIG_LV_TOUCH_CONTROLLER_ADCRAW